Learn to Live Well

The purpose of this website is to create support for positive change in education.

What if you’d learned 'How To Live Well' as part of the school curriculum?

Just imagine if:-

Do you think if this was taught as a subject in schools we might have some happier, more fulfilled people? Do you think young girls might gain enough self-worth and self-esteem to outgrow teenage pregnancies? Or that it suddenly might not be so ‘cool’ for kids to smoke behind the gym or take drugs if that was an advertisement to the world that they were in their Rats’ Den? Do you imagine it might help avoid frustrated teenagers acting out in anti-social behaviour if they understood how to nurture themselves and handle anger constructively? Might it give abused children an earlier opportunity to heal and help them go beyond the limitations of their background more easily? Would it help encourage children to be the best they could be if they learned how to live well? Do you suppose it would help their future relationships fare better? Do you think it would create a friendlier, safer, more enjoyable society in which to live?

We have this incredible brain, the most complex thing known in the Universe, of which we use approximately 5%. The potential for our positive growth is immeasurable!

Yet we are seeing modern gang warfare where power, territory and tribal allegiance count for everything, hunting for status and prestige through the strength and conquest of arms, exhibiting behaviour not seen since the passing of the Stone Age. Many young offenders don’t know any other way to live other than the template they have in their ‘blueprint’ from their influences and environment. They are living what ‘life has caused them to become’ rather than from their true core being. With change to their understanding and ‘blueprint’ they could have an authentic alternative to ending up back in prison. At heart many of them just want to feel loved and valued.

Children with no positive template use their mobile phones for bullying which can cause the recipient immense psychological damage. In some areas, 60 - 70% of police time is taken up in dealing with issues of abuse and harassment on face book, email and texting, or being called to essentially trivial family issues of bickering and accusations that blow up out of all proportion sometimes leaving one member isolated and vulnerable. Often these people feel they have no other way to express their anger or to feel heard other than to call the police, who are then obliged, in effect, to act as untrained ‘social workers’ trying to deal with deep seated issues that ultimately it’s not their business to sort out, whilst trying to establish if anything criminal has occurred.

These people started out as beautiful babies. They all have that phenomenal Palace mind. Yet all they know is how to live in their Rats’ Den, sometimes with little more than ‘Caveman’ morals and life styles coming from where they’ve come from.

They have all learned to be entrenched in their Rats’ Den. What chance do children stand with these influences? If I told you about a war torn place in the world where an average child would witness 150 murders before the age of 10 how would you feel? This is in fact true of the UK! With all the violent video games, TV, films and so on, as the brain cannot tell the difference between real and imaginary, the effect is the same. Research has shown the desensitisation to another’s needs after just 20 minutes of playing a violent video game. Watching or playing negative things teaches the brain that this is ‘normal’ so our responses change, even if they don’t directly turn us into a killer. This is not Living Well!! To be exposed to all the Rats’ Den influence can only put us in the Rats’ Den with all the consequences!

To be this disconnected from our true source and soul space within can never lead to peace and harmony within ourselves or therefore the planet.

Now that we know how our minds work, doesn’t it make sense to teach this in school? We understand the importance of education globally, be it literacy and numeracy or health and welfare.

If a new subject of ‘How To Live Well’, incorporating How Your Mind Works, and How to Feel Good About Yourself with Self Respect, Self Esteem and Self Love was taught in schools, wouldn’t we be giving children the opportunity you perhaps would have liked yourself from age 5 to save you being trapped in your Rats’ Den today? With all the benefits listed above? For children to have a greater opportunity to realise their full potential for the greater good of all?

If you agree please do register your support in the right hand box at the top of this page. It will take just a couple of minutes and help to change lives and society. Particularly if you have any influence in schools please do get involved.

It doesn’t take much of a shift to create a huge change. For example, just 1% of the population in an area meditating has been proven to make a noticeable improvement in social conditions such as crime etc. Many things start as One Voice and grow to be Global.